A Meeting to Discuss Causes of Alerts on VLTS Software & Precautionary actions required to avoid it was held at conference hall of Dahej Industries Association on 20th July, 2024 in presence of more than 25 Industries representatives.
Gujarat Pollution ControlBoard (GPCB) for started GPS Based VLTS System for the transportation ofHazardous Waste with purpose to ensure transportation ofhazardous waste in safer manner.From the various received communication from the Member Industries, we came to know that Member Industries are facing various unnecessary alerts on Vehicle Location Tracking System (VLTS) like Route/Track Changing, Power Disconnection alerts due to mistakes of Vehicle Drivers or Transporter Agencies. Due to the same, Industries received Communication to submit the Verification & Reason for alerts.
Planty of reasons behind getting alerts on VLTS & necessary action required to rectify it were discussed fruitfully during the meeting & the meeting was concluded with the decision to represent it to concern officials of Gujarat Pollution Control Board (GPCB) at Association & Industries both levels.